DIY Probate Pack
Price: £199.00
For those who wish to undertake the probate process themselves we have provided this complete
DIY Probate information Pack containing all of the necessary probate IHT205 and PA1 forms and sample letters that you will need to send to all major institutions, in order to ascertain the assets of the deceased’s estate and show you how to complete probate, including:
Once you purchase this
probate infomration pack, if you later decide to instruct us to deal with the application on your behalf, you will receive a complete refund of your payment for this file.
This file is a compressed Zip file which most later versions of the MS Windows Operating system can open, alternatively for older versions you will need Winzip which is available free of charge.
Once opened you will need Microsoft Word to open all of the template letters and a pdf viewer to open the necessary probate forms. If you need help please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 0871 874 0275 or visit our site here.